Kids will display art that they’ve made from All of Creation, a kids art camp from 9am – 1pm.
Information below:
All of Creation” summer art camp is a FREE art day camp for children ages 4 to 18 years old. The secular event is hosted by Pacific Crest church and held in the Pybus Market concourse Thursday and Friday, August 8 and 9, from 10 am to 12 noon both days.
El campamento de verano “Todo de la Creación” es un campamento de día de arte GRATUITO para niños de 4 a 18 años de edad. El evento secular es organizado por la iglesia Pacific Crest y se lleva a cabo en la explanada del mercado de Pybus el jueves y viernes 8 y 9 de agosto, de 10 a.m. a 12 del mediodía ambos días. Recuerde no hay cuidado de niños, padres o guardianes necesitan estar con sus hijos, Gracias.
“All of Creation” helps children “explore and create” various forms of art through several different art media. Stations include: watercolors, abstracts, sculpture and recycled art, poetry, character drawing, and more. This year we are adding a new art disciplne: photography. The photography classes will be limited to older students 10 and up. This class also has limited space and is a first come first served.
Participants will create their own art work with local artist and volunteers from the Wenatchee Valley.
Thursday begins with a variety of opportunities to “explore” different art mediums and instructions and activities that will familiarize kids with basic concepts specific to each art station.
On Friday, students will apply lessons learned on Thursday and “create” art pieces to be placed on exhibit Saturday, August 10 in the Pybus Market concourse. (Participants do not need to attend Thursday to participate on Friday; each day has its own independent program and classes).
Pybus Market will host a public exhibition of selected works by students in the center concourse for public viewing on Saturday, August 11th, from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Students will be encouraged to show off their art and then collect their work Saturday afternoon.
There is no child care for this event. Adults will need to be on hand for the children they bring to the program. Adults are responsible for escorting their children to each art station.