Pybus University:Working Towards Zero Waste

02/25/2020 @ 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone

Description: We all want to reduce our waste, but is “zero waste” really achievable? Join Jana Fischback, executive director of Sustainable Wenatchee, in a discussion about ways to produce less garbage. What can really be recycled in NCW? What can be avoided entirely? And should “zero waste” really be the goal? We’ll take a virtual walk through the typical home, talking about practical ways to reduce waste in each area of our lives. There will be an emphasis on items we use in the kitchen and “on-the-go,” where much of our waste comes from. Jana will provide ideas for reusable items that can replace disposable options, and where to find them. She’ll provide local resources for recycling, reusing and composting as well. We’ll also talk about how we can change our outlook from the focus on consumption and convenience, to one of being mindful about the “stuff” that we buy and where it goes when we’re done with it. To learn more about Sustainable Wenatchee visit and be sure to check out the Waste page under Resources for more information. Be sure to save the date for our 3rd annual Earth Day Fair at Pybus on Saturday, April 11th!


Bio: Jana Fischback is a Wenatchee area native and the Executive Director of Sustainable Wenatchee, an environmental nonprofit with the mission to promote a culture of social sustainability and environmental stewardship in the valley. After earning her Masters in Environmental Studies, she moved back to the valley and co-founded Sustainable Wenatchee in 2017 with the goal of educating and inspiring community members to live more sustainable lives. 


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