Pybus University: Is my Adolescent Depressed? Advice on Detecting and Combating This Growing Epidemic

11/12/2019 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Pybus Market

A quick google search on adolescent depression brings up over 500 million articles, which is not surprising given the rise of research focusing on this topic. Children today are growing up in a different world, where many prefer socializing through screens, often using avatars or online personas, rather than face to face interactions. A decrease in human connection, paired with a rise in anonymity, can lead to cyber-bullying, low self-esteem, and a need to inflate status. Parents are hungry for answers on how to help their children.

So how do you know whether your child is experiencing normal moods typical for this stage of development, versus whether you need to be concerned? And, if depression is suspected, what can you do? Join CVCH and their community partners for a panel discussion where we will help parents identify the key things to look for. Experts on this subject matter will talk about what you should be concerned about, and what is normal. Most importantly, we will discuss things you can do to help get in front of or overcome adolescent depression, and when it may be time to seek outside help.

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